Every 24 hours once Zynga Texas Holdem on the up always gives lottery. So, new means will get the lottery every 24 hours. If you want to increase the number of lottery, then you can try the following:
1. Login first in the application of existing Zynga Poker on Facebook using the browser Opera. When the frame you get a lottery application shows a number of chips, game click the checkmark.
2. After a check in the amount of lottery, obtained at the click, as soon as possible click one link up menus, ie menus Home / Home. Remember, links menu / navbar up yes, no link menu Poker application. Then when the home page / home page up already open, click on the Opera browser's back button to reopen the Texas Holdem Poker application.
3. So there you will be able to find the lottery again. The amount is not of course, can be larger or even smaller than the number of previous lottery. Click again the checkmark, then click again the menu Home / porch up, once open click the button again back on opera browser you use. Lottery will return you get.
4. Do the above again and again if you want to get the lottery, a lot of chips.
5. If the chip is obtained thats enough, pause and let the application do the loading to complete. Once completed and signed into lobby page, please refer to the number of chips you. You will find your lottery number has increased more than without using the ways and tips on top.
Good luck!
1. Login first in the application of existing Zynga Poker on Facebook using the browser Opera. When the frame you get a lottery application shows a number of chips, game click the checkmark.
2. After a check in the amount of lottery, obtained at the click, as soon as possible click one link up menus, ie menus Home / Home. Remember, links menu / navbar up yes, no link menu Poker application. Then when the home page / home page up already open, click on the Opera browser's back button to reopen the Texas Holdem Poker application.
3. So there you will be able to find the lottery again. The amount is not of course, can be larger or even smaller than the number of previous lottery. Click again the checkmark, then click again the menu Home / porch up, once open click the button again back on opera browser you use. Lottery will return you get.
4. Do the above again and again if you want to get the lottery, a lot of chips.
5. If the chip is obtained thats enough, pause and let the application do the loading to complete. Once completed and signed into lobby page, please refer to the number of chips you. You will find your lottery number has increased more than without using the ways and tips on top.
Good luck!