Ranking combination of cards in a poker game from the lowest to highest is as follows:
- High Card is also called no-pair = If the combination of 5 cards that no cards that have the same value, not sequential, and not the same picture. This card is also known as junk card, because it is not worth anything. This card has the lowest level and the determination of the winner only be seen by comparing the cards and look for a card that has the highest value. High Card The total likelihood that there are 1,302,540 kinds
- One Pair = If the combination of 5 cards that contained a single pair (2 cards) are worth the same. For example: 2 - 2 - 5 - 9 - Q. Higher value pairs will be the winner, if two or more players get the same pair then the non-pair cards are used as a determinant of victory.
- Two Pair = If the combination of 5 cards that have two pairs (4 cards) are worth the same. For example: 2 - 2 - 5 - 5 - S. Determination of the winner based on the comparison of the value of the highest pair first, then the other pair. If still equal then the last card yangg used as a determinant of victory. Total Two Pair possibility that there are 123,552 types that are not Full House.
- Three of a kind or also known as Trips = If the combination of 5 cards that have 3 cards of the same rank. For example: 2 - 2 - 2 - 9 - Q. Total likelihood Three of a Kind is the 54,912 range that is not a Full House.
- Straight out of 5 cards = When combined, the value of the 5 cards in sequence but composed of more than one type of image. For example: A - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 or 10 - J - Q - K - A. In total there are possibilities of including 40 Straight Straight Flush is 10,240 kinds.
Note: The combination card Q - K - A - 2 - 3 does not include a combination of sequence, A card can not act as the lowest card at the same time the highest card in one combination.
- Flush = If the combination of 5 cards that all have the same type of image, but the value is not sequentially. For example: 5 cards in combination are all spades with a value type that is not sequential. If two or more players get a flush card then the winner is determined by comparing each value of the cards starting from the highest value. Each card is compared to find differences, if all the cards together, then the game ended in a draw. Total possibilities that exist from the 5148 range including flush Straight Flush.
- Full House = If 5 card combination is a combination of One Pair and Three of a Kind. For example: 2 - 2 - 2 - 5 - 5. In Full House, the winner is determined from the highest Three of a Kind, if two or more players get the combined value of Three of a Kind same then determined from the value of the card pairs. Total possible Full House which is adalaah 3744 kinds.
- Four of a Kind or also known as Quad = If the combination of 5 cards that have 4 cards of same rank and a card with a different value. For example: 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - Q. In total there are possibilities of Four of a Kind is the 624 range.
- Straight Flush = If 5 cards combined have the same kind and value respectively. For example: 5 card spades all the manifold and the value of successive 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6. Total possible that there are 40 kinds of straight flush, including four royal flush.
- Royal Flush = Straight Flush but highest order value, for example: 5 cards of spades with a sequence value of 10 - J - Q - K - A
- High Card is also called no-pair = If the combination of 5 cards that no cards that have the same value, not sequential, and not the same picture. This card is also known as junk card, because it is not worth anything. This card has the lowest level and the determination of the winner only be seen by comparing the cards and look for a card that has the highest value. High Card The total likelihood that there are 1,302,540 kinds
- One Pair = If the combination of 5 cards that contained a single pair (2 cards) are worth the same. For example: 2 - 2 - 5 - 9 - Q. Higher value pairs will be the winner, if two or more players get the same pair then the non-pair cards are used as a determinant of victory.
- Two Pair = If the combination of 5 cards that have two pairs (4 cards) are worth the same. For example: 2 - 2 - 5 - 5 - S. Determination of the winner based on the comparison of the value of the highest pair first, then the other pair. If still equal then the last card yangg used as a determinant of victory. Total Two Pair possibility that there are 123,552 types that are not Full House.
- Three of a kind or also known as Trips = If the combination of 5 cards that have 3 cards of the same rank. For example: 2 - 2 - 2 - 9 - Q. Total likelihood Three of a Kind is the 54,912 range that is not a Full House.
- Straight out of 5 cards = When combined, the value of the 5 cards in sequence but composed of more than one type of image. For example: A - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 or 10 - J - Q - K - A. In total there are possibilities of including 40 Straight Straight Flush is 10,240 kinds.
Note: The combination card Q - K - A - 2 - 3 does not include a combination of sequence, A card can not act as the lowest card at the same time the highest card in one combination.
- Flush = If the combination of 5 cards that all have the same type of image, but the value is not sequentially. For example: 5 cards in combination are all spades with a value type that is not sequential. If two or more players get a flush card then the winner is determined by comparing each value of the cards starting from the highest value. Each card is compared to find differences, if all the cards together, then the game ended in a draw. Total possibilities that exist from the 5148 range including flush Straight Flush.
- Full House = If 5 card combination is a combination of One Pair and Three of a Kind. For example: 2 - 2 - 2 - 5 - 5. In Full House, the winner is determined from the highest Three of a Kind, if two or more players get the combined value of Three of a Kind same then determined from the value of the card pairs. Total possible Full House which is adalaah 3744 kinds.
- Four of a Kind or also known as Quad = If the combination of 5 cards that have 4 cards of same rank and a card with a different value. For example: 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - Q. In total there are possibilities of Four of a Kind is the 624 range.
- Straight Flush = If 5 cards combined have the same kind and value respectively. For example: 5 card spades all the manifold and the value of successive 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6. Total possible that there are 40 kinds of straight flush, including four royal flush.
- Royal Flush = Straight Flush but highest order value, for example: 5 cards of spades with a sequence value of 10 - J - Q - K - A